The ASIO driver for the    
NVH Testing World.

Data Aqusition Standard 

DAS Application Project

Imagine a measurement environment where you don't have to worry about compatibilities. Just choose the best hard software available for the job and still be able to collect the data synchronized, compatible and comparable. Use multiple data acquisition devices and software applications of different vendors for one job? DAS-Interface is as simple as it gets and enables users to use an open general-purpose software development kit to connect many different hardware and software applications.

At H2Think we focus exclusively on fostering the right environment for this creative thinking and spirit to thrive.

H2Think is the umbrella non-for-profit organization that will host and coordinate all development efforts for the DAS Interface. All partners of the DAS Project network get a chance to influence as well as participate in the development of the architecture and the development of the DAS Interface.

Various Ways to connect and partner with the OEM Network that suits everyone's level of integration and development capabilities. How far you want to get involved is up to you!



DAS Project - What?

We bring a wide range of companies and developers into one project to create the best possible and modern architecture to develop widely accessible technology that makes a difference for all finding sustainable solutions for real-world problems. Simplicity rocks!

We begin with research in light, sound, vibration, and other frequencies, bringing us into the field of digitization, data acquisition and data management.

Industry 4.0 is only the beginning.

Our focus is on finding and sustaining the right collaborations. The research topics, projects and solutions are up to you. Let's connect and think together.

The aim of the DAS-project is to develop an SDK to standardize the data acquisition, control and data transmission in the area of noise, vibration and harshness. This SDK is intended to enable the streaming of data and the distributed control for all kind of applications.
This allows DAQ devices and recording software to communicate with each other regardless of their inhouse proprietary implementation. In addition to that a recording software with a web user interface will be developed and implemented, which can then be made available to various manufacturers.  


Inspired? Let's think together.

Are you passionate about measurement application and testing, are you about customer satisfaction and future-proof technologies? May you be the right project partner to join the DAS project team to create the open and accessible data acquisition and recording interface.

At H2Think the focus is not only on the task but on the team. With the right mindset, we can move mountains for our customers. We don't want to reinvent file formats again and again. Everyone should concentrate on what they do best. What is your company good at?

We are looking for Hard and Software Vendors to join our mission. Is your company open to a collaboration that will benefit all test engineers and move their applications into the future?